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2025 Symposium


The 2025 OTI Symposium will be held in conjunction with the 2025 Southwest Association of Woodturners (SWAT) Conference during 22-24 August 2025 in Waco, Texas.


You will need to sign up for the 2025 SWAT conference once that becomes available. The web link for SWAT is: A ticket to SWAT will also provide entry into the OTI Symposium; there will be no extra charge. Please denote the OTI as your member club.


So please go ahead and block your calendars for late August in 2025. It will be great to see everyone again in person.

Home Page Slider

The Ornamental Turners International is a virtual chapter of the American Association of Woodturners and maintains this public web site. Our purpose is to foster a wider understanding and appreciation of ornamental turning as a traditional and contemporary craft and form of art. We look to foster this among the general public, hobbyist turners, part-time turners, and professional turners, and seek to accomplish this by providing education, information, organization, technical assistance, and publications related to ornamental turning.

If you are passionate about Ornamental Turning, please join the club and access the members-only area of the web site.

What is Ornamental Turning?

Ornamental Turning, also called Complex Turning, is executed on a lathe with attachments which convert a plain circular section to variants of outline; these range from a simple series of cuts taken at intervals around the work (so producing grooves or bumps on the surface) to non-circular movements whereby the whole of the circular shape is removed to give a completely different form. Enjoy this wonderful history of Ornamental Turning.

Such shapes are achieved by various means, primarily thru the used of fixed or revolving cutters being introduced to the work in radial and non-radial paths. Movement of the work and cutters individually and or separately can achieve a nearly endless variety of patterns and shapes.


Why Join the Ornamental Turners International?

The OTI group is a great way to learn and find assistance when you need it.

  • Members are invited to our monthly Zoom meetings where ornamental turners from around the globe meet virtually to learn more and chat with peers.
  • Members have access to all our newsletters from the 1st one published by the OTI. To see an example of one, click on this link: Sample Newsletter.
  • Members have access to an online directory of the members who choose to share their contact information, making contacting others significantly easier.

We also have annual meetings where we try to get the whole group together in person. The next one will be in 2025 in conjunction with SWAT in Waco, Texas.

So, as an OTI member, your ornamental turning journey will be a lot more fun!