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HomeOTI Web Sites

Web sites maintained by the Ornamental Turners International This web site. It is used for:
  • Maintaining our list of members, and the best way to contact them. This is also used by other members to stay in contact with each other.
  • Communicating with our members.
  • Maintaining documents published by the OTI. This is our legacy web site where we still maintain historical data.  We are asking that users use the American Association of Woodturners sites for these going forward.  These legacy sites are being kept for use as needed.  The Ornamental Turning Book of Knowledge was transferred to the OTI, and converted to a wiki format.  Its purpose is to:
  1. Provide an educational resource for new ornamental turners, and
  2. Maintain a catalog of other resources for a given topic.  This is to help reduce the search for such materials.
Going forward, this will be a resource which can be maintained by members to stay relevant.

Ornamental Turners International's Social Media Links

Electronic Repositories which the OTI are Keeping Alive This web site was built by the late James Harris. After his unfortunate passing, we secured permission from his widow and captured a copy of this excellent web site. This is the copy.